Friday, April 24, 2015

Video - Nigerian AF Gunship helicopters against Boko Haram

The video below is part of the VICE News report embedded with Nigerian 103 Battalion and 72 Mobile Strike Force during Bama Assault. Nigerian Air Force Gunship helicopters were engaged in combat begining April. In Maiduguri airstrip ( north-east of the country), two Mi-24B (NAF 260 and NAF 261) from 97 Special Operations Group, two AS332M1 Super Puma (NAF 265 and NAF 567) from 88th Air Transport squadron and two Gazelle took off to support ground forces.

One of this two "Hind" helicopters was spotted in mid-december in Ukraine. The two Super Puma and the Gazelle choppers were already seen in February. One Super Puma crashed in Lagos with no casualty on April 10.


  1. Il s'agit de Mi-24V et non pas de Mi-24B. Sinon, je pense plutôt à des AS 332 B1 plutôt que des M1.

    1. Mi-24V au premier plan et Mi-35P en arrière plan :

      Les NAF260et NAF261 sont bien des Mi-24B

      Pour les Super-Puma, ce sont bien des M1.

  2. Non ce sont des Mi-24V, pas des B, "B" "V" en russe...c'est une erreur flagrante de traduction...
